SD here at the moment

My daughters father had severe mental illness and my sons father had an affair!
If there ever was a SD wedding or any reason to attend a family function i would categorically refuse.
Its not just the EFH for me its the whole family. I have zero intention of ever attending anything that involves any of Hs family and I do not care what any of them think of me.
I am glad you got something out of it. I have first hand experience with bfh and attending MIL’s funeral together.
I was extremely nervous because of the funeral and the aftermath, less upset because she passed.
I was really hoping bfh wouldn’t show up, but she let H know she will be on the first plane here. The funeral was only a few days after MIL passed.

I was really not much support for H, instead of letting him mourn, I kept asking if she will come or not, I had no idea how to position myself, where to stand, what to do. I thought I would be walking with the other crowd and that bfh would be right there with her sons.

I was the last person to arrive to the funeral, I was working to the last minute and a few more to make sure I was a bit late in order to avoid any conversations with the unwanted.

I got it all wrong. Even though H’s family are what they are, everyone cared how the funeral would turn out.
When I arrived all H’s siblings were standing besides MIL’s coffin or urn (I have no recollection). It was a military funeral (I was probably the only one that didn’t know that and it started on time, military time). I never thought of asking H what was planned, he possibly told me, but I was quite hysterical because bfh was coming. I was hoping for a card and flowers from her, that would do for me. I was hoping she wouldn’t be able to take time off and all my hopes went through down the drain. The opposite happened.

The family and H were eagerly waiting for me to arrive and they placed me exactly where I should be, besides H with all the family. (We were married for 12 yrs at the time and I felt like I did not belong)

When we walked to the grave, I was walking with H and SSs, their mother - EFH was walking with my daughters. I completely missed her or didn’t recognize her, I thought wow, she is not here, thank you god.

About two years ago my DDs just coincidentally told me that they were together at MIL’s funeral and I was stunned.

I completely complicated things for myself, was of almost no support to H or anyone else, was late to a military funeral that started as soon as I took my place. Nobody said anything and things went well as far as I was concerned, blissfully unaware that bfh was there too.

So far I was asked not to come to the presentation of diploma for ESS. But I wasn’t there for my DDs either. It was their own thing, but ESS invited both of his parents. Logical!
I was specifically asked not to attend because if anyone would have an averse reaction, it could affect his performance.

I think in the case of the funeral she got the short end of the stick. She was not invited to family gathering after the funeral or she didn’t want to attend. I still don’t know, never asked.

You know, I think being so preoccupied with myself at MIL’s funeral was extremely out of touch with reality and a bit disrespectful of me.
I had movies, horror movies in my head about how things would go. I was completely out of it for all the wrong reasons.

I know you claim that you will not attend SD’s eventual wedding, but if you are expected to come as a part of SD’s family, do not miss out on that and keep it together for a day. You will hurt yourself most and your H too and SD. Those things are not easily mended.

Proudly take your place, just be there and fake it until you make it. EFH will have to do the same, she definitely wants you to come, because it would be too embarrassing for her if your H came alone. Everyone would than know she doesn’t get along with you and would logically assume that something was very wrong. She could explain it off as, I have no idea what is going on, but people are not stupid.

Me and my sister are the only ones that still have our parents alive. My cousins don’t. Some stroke, some cancer and they all died. Two of my cousins are widows, me, my sister and another cousin have all divorced, only one cousin left has a pretty good marriage. They had some issues, but overcame. Both of their children are married with children, but live abroad.

No situation is perfect. If you have people around you, they may not be talking to you, they may be suing you, manipulating and some friendlies too.
Life never gives us ideal situations and I know which prism you see your situation through.
I see it differently. My sister is not talking to me. We had no quarrel, she now sometimes texts me back. She talks to everyone else. I don’t know what I have done to her, I even asked her on a rare occasion what have I done wrong and she reassured me nothing. I know my people pretty well and we are not easy characters. We are very alike in some ways, like to show off and have a similar sense of humor, but equally any one of us has this fight in us to survive and get ahead, there is some narcissism too, not me haha, maybe sometimes I am quite pushy, according to H all the time. I like fixing things and moving on.

What I am trying to say is that I get it is difficult for you. You have your H, your son has gone to make his own life, logically and H still has younger children and a difficult situation with his own mother.
My DDs left too, they both have their own families, lives. I sometimes have to wait in line to see my YDD and I sometimes can’t help my EDD out with my grandchildren, which feels incredibly bad, unfair.

In the end all I have is H.
Not much different from you. My family is very individualistic and everyone is in their own space.

H’s family is about as bad as your H’s family. One brother threw me out of the house 5 years ago screaming at me that he doesn’t want my money, not understanding that I handle finances in this family. He said he didn’t mean it that way to H later on, because H needed to calm him down, as I was left in shock and crying. Mil was still alive. All I asked was when they were planning to start construction so I could plan our budget. But no, the guy went nuts.
We haven’t spoken or seen each other for 4 years now.
And frankly after being married for 17 years, I really see no point in getting upset ahead of time because of any of them. I suffered too much, I was an emotional wreck and my life was hell sometimes.

I will attend the weddings of either SSs I’d I will be invited. If not, I will not, but that may than complicate things for H, because I believe he would want me there. It would complicate things with SSs. I know they would feel guilty for not inviting me.
It goes the same for your SD, she would feel extremely guilty and people wouldn’t understand why you are not there.
I somehow feel this is not what H’s family want, nor do you deep down. It hurts, trust me.

I think you should accept that your MIL is a piece of work and the woman did so many things wrong. We somehow expect them to be good people, not all of the are and neither are bfh’s. The children are usually a reflection of parents, or parent.

Take it easy on yourself. Do not overthink, some things you cannot avoid or predict correctly.

I see myself an an intuitive person and can feel the room, but sometimes I get it very wrong.

You are a part of their family through marriage regardless of whether you like or not. And so am I. Whether I like it or not. I wish they just wouldn’t exist in my world, but they do. I cannot wish them away, but equally I no longer give them the time and power to destroy me. No one has physically attacked me and I know they are very screwed up, so I will just react when the time will come.
I won’t be afraid of them any more, afraid of the insults. I know why I will have to deal with them to a point, and I will focus on the end goal.

You have a family, an interesting one and I am sorry for your daughter.
It is not all bad. You married a good guy, just not ideal. It doesn’t exist in this world as you can see.

I will be 60 in about a month and it does make me think about how I want to spend the next years of my life. I don’t have forever any more and I had big issues with my health lately.
It can really push one into a different reality. I was thinking that I can do whatever the hell I want (within my capacity) and that is a lot. It doesn’t mean I will turn everything around, but I am looking at different options.
I am free to sell and buy without being afraid of what will happen to me if anything should happen to me inheritance wise. We have a law that a half of what is your equal share in inheritance belongs to you regardless of the will.
So for example if I die and leave no will H gets 1/3 of all I have, if I leave it all to my DDs he is entitled to half of the equal part which is 1/6. I wasn’t as worried about H, but should he die at the same time in an accident, just a few min. after me his sons would be entitled to his part of my inheritance. And because their mother is a bfh big time greedy, I needed to resolve it, I couldn’t wait any longer. So I pushed, I used my sales know how and H bought it, but a few days later he was miserable and told me he wouldn’t have signed it, because he is now homeless. So I did the fair thing.

I think about dying too much, I am in pretty bad shape with infection in my lungs that was not correctly medicated. I am on different meds now, so hope to be on the mend, it got really bad last week with averse reaction to meds…

Got off topic there, stay strong and keep posting. Answering you is opening my eyes too and reading other posts.
Some things I wrote, I didn’t think I had it in me to be honest.
Maybe getting a bit closer to heaven and feeling like crap gave me a different perspective.
Thanks Maya, i love your posts and i totally understand you.
I understand that the point of view is that it would be selfish of me to not attend.
That its expected.
I feel that my situation is very different.
For example, today H attempted further to chat with SS.
It was text only and ended very badly.
H ended up being very verbally abusive to Ss. He told me this and to be honest i was not impressed by his lack of conduct.
I think ss has severe immaturity, it can be labelled ADHD. Anyway, H should know better.
So i questioned further and seemingly Ss receives texts from H and if he doesnt like what he hears he asks, "is that noodle"
Look, im sick of having no part in this bullshit but still being blamed for it.
Hs text conversations with his son have never been and still are nothing to do with me.
Why is my name still being brought into the pathetic arguments when i want nothing to do with any of it?
The same thing would happen with Hs mother, if she gets a text from H that she doesn't like, she says, " who is this?" As if i control H.
Im sick to the back teeth of all of them.
There is no expectation that I would attend a potential wedding. I have every appreciation that SD is a nice kind girl but there is no way, i would ever attend an event. I would be like a jew walking into a party hosted by Hitler and his cronies and to be honest, im not stupid.

Im on good terms with SD now, there can be no good to come from walking into the lions den.

Sds mother, both grandmothers, gran father, brother, aunts uncles all have a serious but imaginary problem with me and they can all go and fuck themselves, i will go nowhere near any of them ever.

I live a lonely life and i did nothing to any of them, except i challenged BFH. As for Hs family, I was nothing but kind.
So whilst i understand the narrative, its not for me but i appreciate your sharing x
I am glad you got something out of it. I have first hand experience with bfh and attending MIL’s funeral together.
I was extremely nervous because of the funeral and the aftermath, less upset because she passed.
I was really hoping bfh wouldn’t show up, but she let H know she will be on the first plane here. The funeral was only a few days after MIL passed.

I was really not much support for H, instead of letting him mourn, I kept asking if she will come or not, I had no idea how to position myself, where to stand, what to do. I thought I would be walking with the other crowd and that bfh would be right there with her sons.

I was the last person to arrive to the funeral, I was working to the last minute and a few more to make sure I was a bit late in order to avoid any conversations with the unwanted.

I got it all wrong. Even though H’s family are what they are, everyone cared how the funeral would turn out.
When I arrived all H’s siblings were standing besides MIL’s coffin or urn (I have no recollection). It was a military funeral (I was probably the only one that didn’t know that and it started on time, military time). I never thought of asking H what was planned, he possibly told me, but I was quite hysterical because bfh was coming. I was hoping for a card and flowers from her, that would do for me. I was hoping she wouldn’t be able to take time off and all my hopes went through down the drain. The opposite happened.

The family and H were eagerly waiting for me to arrive and they placed me exactly where I should be, besides H with all the family. (We were married for 12 yrs at the time and I felt like I did not belong)

When we walked to the grave, I was walking with H and SSs, their mother - EFH was walking with my daughters. I completely missed her or didn’t recognize her, I thought wow, she is not here, thank you god.

About two years ago my DDs just coincidentally told me that they were together at MIL’s funeral and I was stunned.

I completely complicated things for myself, was of almost no support to H or anyone else, was late to a military funeral that started as soon as I took my place. Nobody said anything and things went well as far as I was concerned, blissfully unaware that bfh was there too.

So far I was asked not to come to the presentation of diploma for ESS. But I wasn’t there for my DDs either. It was their own thing, but ESS invited both of his parents. Logical!
I was specifically asked not to attend because if anyone would have an averse reaction, it could affect his performance.

I think in the case of the funeral she got the short end of the stick. She was not invited to family gathering after the funeral or she didn’t want to attend. I still don’t know, never asked.

You know, I think being so preoccupied with myself at MIL’s funeral was extremely out of touch with reality and a bit disrespectful of me.
I had movies, horror movies in my head about how things would go. I was completely out of it for all the wrong reasons.

I know you claim that you will not attend SD’s eventual wedding, but if you are expected to come as a part of SD’s family, do not miss out on that and keep it together for a day. You will hurt yourself most and your H too and SD. Those things are not easily mended.

Proudly take your place, just be there and fake it until you make it. EFH will have to do the same, she definitely wants you to come, because it would be too embarrassing for her if your H came alone. Everyone would than know she doesn’t get along with you and would logically assume that something was very wrong. She could explain it off as, I have no idea what is going on, but people are not stupid.

Me and my sister are the only ones that still have our parents alive. My cousins don’t. Some stroke, some cancer and they all died. Two of my cousins are widows, me, my sister and another cousin have all divorced, only one cousin left has a pretty good marriage. They had some issues, but overcame. Both of their children are married with children, but live abroad.

No situation is perfect. If you have people around you, they may not be talking to you, they may be suing you, manipulating and some friendlies too.
Life never gives us ideal situations and I know which prism you see your situation through.
I see it differently. My sister is not talking to me. We had no quarrel, she now sometimes texts me back. She talks to everyone else. I don’t know what I have done to her, I even asked her on a rare occasion what have I done wrong and she reassured me nothing. I know my people pretty well and we are not easy characters. We are very alike in some ways, like to show off and have a similar sense of humor, but equally any one of us has this fight in us to survive and get ahead, there is some narcissism too, not me haha, maybe sometimes I am quite pushy, according to H all the time. I like fixing things and moving on.

What I am trying to say is that I get it is difficult for you. You have your H, your son has gone to make his own life, logically and H still has younger children and a difficult situation with his own mother.
My DDs left too, they both have their own families, lives. I sometimes have to wait in line to see my YDD and I sometimes can’t help my EDD out with my grandchildren, which feels incredibly bad, unfair.

In the end all I have is H.
Not much different from you. My family is very individualistic and everyone is in their own space.

H’s family is about as bad as your H’s family. One brother threw me out of the house 5 years ago screaming at me that he doesn’t want my money, not understanding that I handle finances in this family. He said he didn’t mean it that way to H later on, because H needed to calm him down, as I was left in shock and crying. Mil was still alive. All I asked was when they were planning to start construction so I could plan our budget. But no, the guy went nuts.
We haven’t spoken or seen each other for 4 years now.
And frankly after being married for 17 years, I really see no point in getting upset ahead of time because of any of them. I suffered too much, I was an emotional wreck and my life was hell sometimes.

I will attend the weddings of either SSs I’d I will be invited. If not, I will not, but that may than complicate things for H, because I believe he would want me there. It would complicate things with SSs. I know they would feel guilty for not inviting me.
It goes the same for your SD, she would feel extremely guilty and people wouldn’t understand why you are not there.
I somehow feel this is not what H’s family want, nor do you deep down. It hurts, trust me.

I think you should accept that your MIL is a piece of work and the woman did so many things wrong. We somehow expect them to be good people, not all of the are and neither are bfh’s. The children are usually a reflection of parents, or parent.

Take it easy on yourself. Do not overthink, some things you cannot avoid or predict correctly.

I see myself an an intuitive person and can feel the room, but sometimes I get it very wrong.

You are a part of their family through marriage regardless of whether you like or not. And so am I. Whether I like it or not. I wish they just wouldn’t exist in my world, but they do. I cannot wish them away, but equally I no longer give them the time and power to destroy me. No one has physically attacked me and I know they are very screwed up, so I will just react when the time will come.
I won’t be afraid of them any more, afraid of the insults. I know why I will have to deal with them to a point, and I will focus on the end goal.

You have a family, an interesting one and I am sorry for your daughter.
It is not all bad. You married a good guy, just not ideal. It doesn’t exist in this world as you can see.

I will be 60 in about a month and it does make me think about how I want to spend the next years of my life. I don’t have forever any more and I had big issues with my health lately.
It can really push one into a different reality. I was thinking that I can do whatever the hell I want (within my capacity) and that is a lot. It doesn’t mean I will turn everything around, but I am looking at different options.
I am free to sell and buy without being afraid of what will happen to me if anything should happen to me inheritance wise. We have a law that a half of what is your equal share in inheritance belongs to you regardless of the will.
So for example if I die and leave no will H gets 1/3 of all I have, if I leave it all to my DDs he is entitled to half of the equal part which is 1/6. I wasn’t as worried about H, but should he die at the same time in an accident, just a few min. after me his sons would be entitled to his part of my inheritance. And because their mother is a bfh big time greedy, I needed to resolve it, I couldn’t wait any longer. So I pushed, I used my sales know how and H bought it, but a few days later he was miserable and told me he wouldn’t have signed it, because he is now homeless. So I did the fair thing.

I think about dying too much, I am in pretty bad shape with infection in my lungs that was not correctly medicated. I am on different meds now, so hope to be on the mend, it got really bad last week with averse reaction to meds…

Got off topic there, stay strong and keep posting. Answering you is opening my eyes too and reading other posts.
Some things I wrote, I didn’t think I had it in me to be honest.
Maybe getting a bit closer to heaven and feeling like crap gave me a different perspective.
Im hsppy for your feelings of freedom and i wish that you do exactly what you want to in the future xxx
And than the three yrs long lawsuit against H followed regarding H’s inheritance, full of lies and a lot of money lost (we lost what we invested).
The last thing my sil said to me was my brother doesn’t love you and he will leave me and when I called when it was all over to ask why, she told me she had nothing to say to me and hung up. H than got a text from her son, his nephew, that I threaten her with police and that she is afraid of me.
The conversation lasted 21 sec. and I wasn’t exactly sure what to say, so I said Hi it’s me. There is something I would like to say to you, than she said she has nothing to say to me and hung up.
I could use the f word here.

So you see not so different. I guess I would also feel like a Jew walking into Hitler’s party if they were the only ones there.
More time has passed in my case. This has happened last year and so many things happened since.

I guess it is what I would like to do because our children get along and I am quite sure ESS would invite us.
ESS is also very aware what his brothers and sister (aunts and uncles) did to his father.

Also having both of my DDs attend with their partners, we come in greater numbers and make for a stronger group.
Both SSs have attended my YDD’s wedding, that is why I think not attending would hurt my family.

I totally understand you and in your case I would spend a weekend in a SPA, getting a lot of pampering, just stay clear on of them.

I had to clear up some things in my head, because I did not want a repeat of the funeral, I don’t want to be afraid to enter H’s house because I will be investing in construction to enable H to have something of his own.

There are a lot of different factors involved and I will have to manage them somehow.
Since we have divided all the property and disinherited ourselves, H has no home, so it will have to be done.
No matter what happens between us, I cannot leave him homeless and make his life miserable.

I am blamed for everything too, but they need the money. It is a shared property. For now I am staying out of it and will not be involved in talks unless the situation will change.