Have only the good H and more energy and a new capable, motivated coworker.
My cabin all finished looking great, at least unstressed relations with in-laws, including mine, healthy friend, go out more often to theater, movies and dinners. Not have celiac disease and be on top of the world, highly motivated, do tons of thing successfully, go to Kawaii in the winter and ski. I do ski, haven’t done so in recent years.
I think I have everything else. Another grandchild by my YDD.
And also that my kids would be happy and well off. But they have what they wanted for the most part.
And win the Jackpot

Btw, ESS announced that he will put in an application for art teacher, just have to finish his masters this year and that is great too.
My son in law has decided to go for a tourist guide along with his job, where he can regulate hours and take more time off and of coarse earn some too.
I’ve had a better day today, tired but, better.
Some of the above is realistic, some not. Most of all I just want H to be normal and a lot happier than he seemed to be in the past. And nicer to me, without mood swings and tension. That part I can’t even think about anymore, he was disgusting.
And thank you for supporting me in my struggles.