The Weather

WHEN will we have some nice spring weather?! It's very wild here. The odd bit of sunshine but still cold and wet and windy.
We had up to 25 deg. C today. Sunshine, I couldn’t stay in the sun very long. People in shorts and short sleeves. It was an amazing day. Summer like and it’s only April.
I hope the summer won’t be too hot and I hope we will be spared with drought and fires and floods followed by a very wet, foggy and cold winter, a very difficult winter for many of us.
In the past two years the weather here was crazy. People haven’t recovered from floods yet and the construction of higher banks, bridges is still far from done.
That sounds lovely! We've had some sun but boy is it windy and it's not that warm!
Well I was really enjoying the beginning of May - and now it's been cold and rainy for ages! Does this mean we'll have a hot summer if June is so wet and chilly? What's left of it!
Morning/Afternoon, funnily enough its the same here in Canada. So rainy and cold and grey. But we have huge bush fires every year so this isn't a bad thing outside of I'm dying for summer days!! Although having just had some laser on my face (to my horror it was far more painful than I thought it would be) then no sun is also good for me. I'm hoping it means hot summers all aroundn re a cold/rainy lead up :)