Winter resolutions


Staff member
I think New Year resolutions are a bit late sometimes, You have to go through half of winter first! In the Uk anyway. Once the clocks change, and it gets colder, wetter and darker, maybe we need resolutions to keep fit and not just stay warm and in front of the TV at night. And just doing chores etc. Last year it was all about saving fuel when the fuel prices went sky high. And it became a project - but it was an uncomfortable one! This year, the fuel prices are a bit better with the CAP going down a bit. And being cold just isn't worth it for restricting life. So we're just taking the hit for the high bills (which at least are affordable now - last year it was just unaffordable the prices were so high).

So do you have any resolutions for this winter? Mine are - not sitting in front of the TV every night because it's dark. On the other hand, we don't go out much in the evenings lol! Social life has never quite back to how it was before the pandemic. And we need to adjust to not having to stay in because of a child. The child is a teenager and out more than we are.

So I had a bit of a project going on rearranging various things in the house - having clearouts etc - but that is going slowly! It always seems to be all about Christmas coming up at this time of year - the big run up. I'm being low key with that this year.