Radical hair change


Staff member
I have had long hair for many years. I got used to it and found it easy. I could just tie it up if needed. I've decided to have a radical change. I ended up with some short broken off bits after being unwell last year so it needs something doing anyway - and have the urge to just have a big change in that respect. Won't go too short though because then you have to keep going back when it grows out quickly!
As you may have guessed, I am not keen on going to the hairdressers regularly! Some people see it as pampering - I don't - and it's expensive and I don't like breathing hairspray! I found long hair easy and just a trim needed now and then :). But it is now "less long"! A good 8" chopped off. Which is actually not that radical in the end ha ha. It feels better in summer too.