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Hmmm i dont know where to start.
There is an issue. I feel that myself and H have been lacking something and rather than wait for a gesture that will never happen, i decided to ask. So i said for Hs birthday could we have a romantic weekend. So H got involved, much to my surprise, he started looking and he found somewhere romantic, very romantic and he said he would book it for his birthday, just the 2 of us.
So after SD staying for 4 weeks, me feeling ignored for so long, feeling completely invisible, i thought great! Hes booking us a romantic weekend. I was excited. I was looking forward to it. I booked time off work.
So, we then went out at the weekend.
We were with another couple and there is a slight bit of history.
On a past holiday, H has been prone to flirting with one of our mutual friends , the female in the couple. Last holiday abroad, i watched him put a flower in her hair. Made me feel sick, still does.
He touches her playfully and , shes about 12 years younger than me. She seeks attention constantly, cant take her drink, H thinks shes hilarious. Needless to say, when shes around im invisible. She bounces around like a toddler. Im very young minded for my age but H is a lot younger than me. I feel very insecure in this woman's company. She demands the spotlight whenever anyone is around her. H falls for it hook, line and sinker despite her partner being his best friend.
So at the weekend, we had the plan for a romantic weekend and after all the peopling i was looking forward to some us time. We are having a meal with said friends and firstly, I dip my chip in Hs dinner very out of character for him actually, he tells me off for dipping on his plate. Then, he recommended a cocktail to friends partner! Paying her much attention, " hey friends partner, i think you will really love this cocktail " then as a 2nd thought he says noodle , you might like this the cocktails arrive and mates partner looks at the raspberries in Hs cocktail and she says can i eat your raspberries? I was told off for dipping a chip on his plate but now hes carefully sharing out 3 raspberries to ensure he doesnt hurt my feelings but equally ensuring mates bird gets her raspberry request!
bear in mind hes flirting with his mates practical wife, and we are supposed to be having a nice romantic weekend together soon, and low and behold, H invites them to our romantic weekend. Im stunned and lost for words, i just nod.
This woman, that he pays unnecessary attention to has just been invited to our romantic weekend away.
Im so upset at the complete and utter lack of consideration. I really dont know how much is me or how much is H acting like a complete dick in front of bouncy 39 year old. Like i said im 52.
I think he wants a younger model. My 1st husband left me for a 10 year younger when i was 43. Its very painful to watch.
Its very personal and its not remotely funny. He plays with his mates wife like shes a puppy. Hes extremely serious with me, no fun, no games, no dipping your chip in my mushy peas but yes h8s mates 39 year old bird can have whatever she wants from him and he will place a flower in her hair whilst celebrating my birthday.
There is an issue. I feel that myself and H have been lacking something and rather than wait for a gesture that will never happen, i decided to ask. So i said for Hs birthday could we have a romantic weekend. So H got involved, much to my surprise, he started looking and he found somewhere romantic, very romantic and he said he would book it for his birthday, just the 2 of us.
So after SD staying for 4 weeks, me feeling ignored for so long, feeling completely invisible, i thought great! Hes booking us a romantic weekend. I was excited. I was looking forward to it. I booked time off work.
So, we then went out at the weekend.
We were with another couple and there is a slight bit of history.
On a past holiday, H has been prone to flirting with one of our mutual friends , the female in the couple. Last holiday abroad, i watched him put a flower in her hair. Made me feel sick, still does.
He touches her playfully and , shes about 12 years younger than me. She seeks attention constantly, cant take her drink, H thinks shes hilarious. Needless to say, when shes around im invisible. She bounces around like a toddler. Im very young minded for my age but H is a lot younger than me. I feel very insecure in this woman's company. She demands the spotlight whenever anyone is around her. H falls for it hook, line and sinker despite her partner being his best friend.
So at the weekend, we had the plan for a romantic weekend and after all the peopling i was looking forward to some us time. We are having a meal with said friends and firstly, I dip my chip in Hs dinner very out of character for him actually, he tells me off for dipping on his plate. Then, he recommended a cocktail to friends partner! Paying her much attention, " hey friends partner, i think you will really love this cocktail " then as a 2nd thought he says noodle , you might like this the cocktails arrive and mates partner looks at the raspberries in Hs cocktail and she says can i eat your raspberries? I was told off for dipping a chip on his plate but now hes carefully sharing out 3 raspberries to ensure he doesnt hurt my feelings but equally ensuring mates bird gets her raspberry request!
bear in mind hes flirting with his mates practical wife, and we are supposed to be having a nice romantic weekend together soon, and low and behold, H invites them to our romantic weekend. Im stunned and lost for words, i just nod.
This woman, that he pays unnecessary attention to has just been invited to our romantic weekend away.
Im so upset at the complete and utter lack of consideration. I really dont know how much is me or how much is H acting like a complete dick in front of bouncy 39 year old. Like i said im 52.
I think he wants a younger model. My 1st husband left me for a 10 year younger when i was 43. Its very painful to watch.
Its very personal and its not remotely funny. He plays with his mates wife like shes a puppy. Hes extremely serious with me, no fun, no games, no dipping your chip in my mushy peas but yes h8s mates 39 year old bird can have whatever she wants from him and he will place a flower in her hair whilst celebrating my birthday.