Tests didn’t work for me either. Emails too. When I write it down, even on impulse, it stays there and H could read it over and over again and keep wondering “should I stay or should I go”. In my case anyway.
Emails were even worse, I made permanent statements that he still keeps and hasn’t deleted them. Again some more food for “should I stay or should I go”.
I was crazy stressed. I had so much adrenaline pumping in my system that it burned me out eventually and I got very sick.
Your boyfriend is most likely still figuring things out on many levels. Emotional too, because children are involved. He may feel guilty and you are right there with him.
It feels like he is fighting things out with you, because he can’t reassure you and make you feel confident.
These are not your feelings, it is his internal fight. He is changing everything about they was he lived.
I thought I was a step up from EFH, but not according to him. He was simply used to her, liked things about her, disliked many more things, but the guilt and all the crazy that goes with it, which is unbelievable to outsiders, can make any woman loose confidence.
In order to get up, you have to fall down. There aren’t many therapists around who have actual experience with this and many are prejudiced and feel you have nothing to complain about, the ex does.
My own mother told me I have to leave their relationship alone H’s and EFH’s and they have a right to have one. She hasn’t resolved her divorce from my father and is an EFH, I just didn’t know it.
On my wedding day she told SSs that I am a nobody to them and they have their own mother.
So I understand, I really do.
I know she is vile towards my father and I just blew her off, it was my day, but it came back later. No wonder I wanted to elope and keep our relationship as quiet as possible.
You can’t really change other people, but the only person you can change is you.
There is nothing wrong with you!
Your reactions are keeping you in a state of anxiety, you don’t have people to talk to, so you can post on here. It doesn’t stop overnight, but I tried to get an hour a day of not thinking about issues. It’s hard work, it’s reprogramming you thoughts.
I found it best to do mundane work like cleaning, putting on some music that I liked, my walls were painted in different colors for the first few years, just any kind of change to give you a timeout from stress.
Anxiety is a b..h. My body reacted to it and I couldn’t stop it at first, than slowly step by step.
Don’t think, was what I was aiming for and the better I got at it, better thought flow was coming to me.
Your life has changed significantly. You didn’t meet your boyfriend and than plan a future with him.
You met your boyfriend and his family and all his baggage. And that is a lot and it can be and usually is difficult, unpredictable, scary sometimes.
I think you should take it easy with his children and let him take care of them and join in, rather than feel responsible. That is sometimes a very hurtful chapter in life.
Try and distance yourself from dealing with his problems, we all had to do that, and just do your thing even if for just a few hours or a day.
Also my recent advice would be, don’t fight hard. Possibly walk out of the room and let him cool off.
I tried that and it worked, mostly. I have also tried distracting H and just said I am making some coffee, would you like some too.
Cooking helps, if it smells good, the emotions change, yours too.
I was so anxious, I had heart palpitations, high blood pressure and just couldn’t take the anxiety any more.
That is why I nowadays try to calm things down, by changing topics.
I realize that in the end it all gets sorted and our emotional involvement makes no real difference, except it hurts us.
I went to a group of women who had marital issues due to addiction, cheating, some violence and one woman is going through similar things I went through with H which has it’s own additional issues.
Everyone was talking about family patterns and themselves mostly. They found that the best way through it is by building up you own person. Those women, some have no choice but to stay or as myself want to stay in my marriage.
Anyway the ladies and my take on our situations was we are put into a space that does not originate from our family and find ourselves in someone else’s world that is unpredictable, we are not accustomed to it, we may have moral issues with and so on. She was so shocked at what her partner did and how his children reacted. She had no idea, he had issues. I felt the same way and for that moment I actually understood the bigger picture and how everything fit in and I came from a different galaxy.
It wasn’t easy for me finding my place, it still isn’t sometimes and I am still work in progress and will be until the end, I hope.
Try and find some calm in you and turn the focus to you and don’t think about how unjust the world is, but instead find something you can improve, distract, make, draw, writing made it worse for me, sometimes it help others.
I reread some of my diary from those times, I sincerely hope I will burn them before I die, but they represent a reminder of how bad things were, because I had a vision of how things should be, not how they actually are and work with that. I just couldn’t accept it and if I had, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. It just snowballed and I can really relate to you.
I don’t have a perfect marriage, but a marriage that is good enough.
In the end our partner is not just the love of our life, but a simple person we live with day to day, no big events.
I feel we have to accept what we can’t change and change what we can, us, and than change will come.
I know that going into this relationships we have expectations, wishes, but relationships with baggage and children are definitely very specific and more difficult.
I hope you can get something out of this that may help you a little bit.
Don’t keep away, stay connected.