Goats Cheese and Pepper tart


Staff member
I decided my meals repertoire was getting a bit boring recently and we were having mince based meals a lot! And Chicken. So decided to try something new and made this recipe. It is really very tasty - I think it's the red onion base that helps. Probably won't make it that often as it's a faff making pastry.

Haven’t noticed this post before. Looks great for H, for me sadly no, even if I replace the ingredients with gluten free, there is still cheese and tomatoes.
Just my curse.
Aw sorry about that. You could probably leave the tomatoes out and add something else - asparagus? Is it all cheese that's no good? Goats cheese is made with goat's milk so not like cow's milk.
Sadly intolerant to both. I don’t know what a replacement would be. Haven’t worked it out yet, but maybe do potatoes and something else on top and use coconut cream.
It's the red onion on the bottom that gives the most flavour :-) How about tofu instead of the goat's cheese?
Good idea, didn’t think of it. I just might give it a try. I was never into tofu, but I really should give a try.