Strangely enough I get on with my father. We had difficulties after divorce, because my mother just couldn’t move on and behaved like an EFH and turned me against him. He was also not a very good father then. Our family had issues and therefore they divorced.
He was very poor when growing up, but when he met my mother she and her parents, my grandparents helped a lot. I even lived with them during the week and went to school there. Then we moved to US and it got worse over the years. I couldn’t stand it, I couldn’t stand the fighting and punishments. I know they were both struggling to make it there, but it was too difficult for me in the family. No peace. So I had summer jobs and earned enough money to return by myself (ran away from home) and returned to my country.
I was a stranger here, I was more American and didn’t fit in well and was also a runaway. I stayed with my grandparents and then my mother and sister returned too.
So to my mother I was the one that initiated the divorce, to my father I was just a crazy teen who ran away.
I just couldn’t win.
I adapted and made my life here.
I reconciled with my father and we established a relationship. My sister never did.
At one point in my life I had to decide whether to have contact with my parents or not and the answer was yes. It was too painful not to be a part of the family.
I accepted my father for his good points and decided to forgive him for his actions. He also apologized to me and told me it was never me, it was him, he had a temper.
But the different treatment remained and I wanted him in my life.
We enjoyed our time together when he came over recently, we talked and just spent time. He was acting as a father of a teen to me telling me, teaching me how to live my life. He a sort of forgot that decades passed by.
So that was a bit tiring, but I know he meant well.
He is old and a bit tired and forgetful. I was making the most of it, just couldn’t take more time off.
I think my sister may at one point regret not spending more time with him. But she did spend two afternoons together with us. None of her daughters called or showed up and I know he was hurt, so was my SM.
He is not all bad, he has some great aspects to him that I really like. Like his will to push on even at this stage. He raced me around the lake and I couldn’t believe how fast he is.
He likes my H and they get along.
Changing him now and making life miserable for him and myself is out of the question.
But there is the elephant… I elect to ignore. Especially now.
I had a total recall when I read the posts here and I just wanted to point out there are many different situations.
EFH caused me hell, 5 lawsuits one against my EDD all about money. H lost everything, but to his sons, so that was ok. But not the way it was done. She wanted my money, didn’t get a penny. Just made me sick and incapacitated.
I can’t stand her and never want to see her in my life. Thankfully she lives far enough away from me and I hope she stays there.
I did not have it easy in many respects, but thank god this didn’t stop me.