Many Stepmums complain of stress and exhaustion and having no control over anything. There can be happy, fun times being a Stepmum and times alone with your partner or Husband that are happy. But there are times when you can feel invisible, unappreciated, wondering who you are, and just plain stressed.
Taking time out for yourself is important so you remember who you are and don't blow a gasket at everyone. Whether it's a night class for yourself one night a week, or a yoga group once a week, or a visit to some friends or the gym once a week. It helps keep you grounded.
Taking time out for yourself is important so you remember who you are and don't blow a gasket at everyone. Whether it's a night class for yourself one night a week, or a yoga group once a week, or a visit to some friends or the gym once a week. It helps keep you grounded.