WHEN will the constant attention seeking stop?!


So my partner and I are on holiday and every holiday or trip away some kind of drama happens with his 2ndEFH and my partner engages. Despite knowing that his ex is only doing this to disturb our time togeher and get his attention and despite assuring me he wouldn't engage this time (which would be the first time ever if he didn't engage). The 2EFH is smart enough now though that she always puts in either a question or date for something their daughter has to do urgently that my partner 'has to' reply to or a big drama with the daughter that my partner has to engage with.

On the very first day of our holiday his daughter (my SD) was doing a sports event. The 2ndEFH joined as one of the team managers and I swear she only did that so she could manipulate comms and have more contact with my partner. SO over 2 days we received over 600 Whatsapp messages (with over 500 being from her). She gives a point by point description of each game and it goes to all the parents but she only does it when we aren't at the games (as we are away on holiday) as an FYI but honestly its incredibly irritating. I actually 'archived' my messages so that I didn't see them and that was fabulous. I suggested my partner do the same but he got frustrated with me and said I was trying to control his comms (which I was but he gets so distracted with that many 'updates' coming to his phone or watch) and he refused so he got a lot of 'notices' re new messages and her name popping up constantly. He would be furious if it was one of my ex's but one of our issues has always been his inability to see it from my point of view and inability to see her huge amount of comms is an issue. He is a great partner but she has controlled things a lot up until abut 6-12 months ago. Thank god he now sees through her more and now, thanks to this site, he also cc's me in on ALL comms and her comms via email are so much less now its far more positive e.g. instead of about 3-10 emails a day - which used to be abut 5-20 texts a day - he told her after about 4 years of this volume of comms - and us nearly breaking up over it a few times - that he would only respond to texts if it was an emergency - so 2ndEFH could only email going forward - she still texts when she's peeved or he hasn't responded to an email quickly enough - but he never responds by texts which is great. SO after that ridiculous amount of Whatsapps - she emailed today re her not getting another sports emails from the manager of this other sport and that my partner should have forwarded them on 'without her having to ask. He bloody then sent her the emails, sent another email giving her the details of the manager then sent an email saying their daughter has this so 2ndEFH shoudl have just asked her. THREE emails to tell her something that she shoudl bloody know and that she was only doing as she wanted his attention. UGH.

We have been together 5.5 years and her daughter is about to turn 16. When will it start to get better re her comms. I guess she has got better. Only as I"m cced on everything (which she hates and has told him a few times to stop 'because she has't consented' - although I think she must have spoken to a lawyer as she can't tell him who he can and cannot cc into HIS emails).

Last trip to Australia she sent him a long email (after not replying to his original email he sent days before we left for our trip - she nearly always replies within about 5mins to an hour). She waited 4-5 days which was about 1 day into our trip then sent a LONG email about how their daughters hair was falling out, that it was confidential and not to talk with his own daughter about it, and that his daughter was stressed about him not being around for a few weeks (we share her 50% with 2nd EFH). I knew it was made up as my SD and I have a good relationship and I often do her hair in the morning when she can't reach the back. I said that to my partner and we had a huge fight about it (again) as he defended his 2ndEFH (don't you love it when they do that) and yet he still engaged and spent a good 4-5 hours stressing about it and researching it. EXACTLY what she wanted him to do. SO I texted his daughter (subtly) asking about her mum saying her hair was falling out and if she needed any special products from us? She wrote back saying WTH Is mum talking about. My hair is fine. THEN I told my partner (of course) and he freaked out and at the same time he had an email from his 2EFH saying I told you in CONFIDENCE, I will never share anything with you again blah blah blah. The 23EFH was reading all my texts (which I thought she was so I had been naughty myselfr) as the SD hadn't said anything to her mum. I again told my partner re what was going on (I'm sounding so sneaky but this is an ex who trapped him into a relationship by 'accidentally' falling pregnant within 6 months of them meeting despite him telling her time and time again he didn't want anymore kids - she told him she was on the pill and was 43 so he wasn't extra safe). And it was only then that the comms started to get shared.

But this has been every single trip but a lot worse as for years I havn't known what was happening but just knew he would have copious emails, whatsapps and comms every trip. I can't wait till she turns 19 (that's an 'adult' in Canada) and goes to University. I am hoping the shared calendar gets deleted (on other trips there is usually about 20-30 calendar changes - this trip only 10 so far - these too pop up on all our alerts and we have to have the alerts on otherwise she just puts things in the calendar on our weeks with the SD etc). Again all about just getting attention. She put in a 'weekend away with blah blah and blah blah and SD' all of whom were good friends of my partners. Waited a few hours then deleted it (for which we get another alert). Just games and games and games. What a LOSER!

Rant over. Thanks for listening lovelies.
Oh she sounds like a complete manipulative nightmare who doesn't have a life. It sounds very familiar actually. Our EFH was like this when she was single. Once she was married it was slightly better, but then worse again.

OH can't see it can he? Like a lot of men. That he's being manipulated. She's bamboozling him by bombarding him. She's probably sitting at home laughing that she is causing havoc. Next time you go on holiday could you try and go somewhere where there's no phone signal?! That's what we used to do.

It sounds to me like the hair thing was to directly get at you. You do SD's hair so she says SD's hair is falling out. Your OH believes it because he's not the manipulative type and doesn't get that she's actually going to lie to him. And also doesn't get that this is intended to be to get at you for doing SD's hair (this is my guess by the way - with me it was to get at my cooking! Comments about SS starving and ill after eating here and so on).

I know it's hard to detach when she is basically keeping him on the end of the phone, but it's all I can suggest and lower expectations for holidays - unless you can find somewhere without a phone signal. ie be prepared to find something that makes you feel good in the middle of all this - don't let her spoil your holiday. Does she actually need to know when you're on holiday?
Dammit - I bloody wish I had read this before I responded. I just coudn't resist being a little sarcastic: I sent this? Not too passive/aggressive I hope :sneaky:. I feel LIke I've just played into her hands!!

Hi 2ndEFH (Ha I didn't write that),

Weekend sounds like it went really well in terms of fun. Well done on organizing…

Re Track - we had to chase re xxxxxxxxxxx also - we had no idea xxxxxx wasn’t answering emails. But you can also call them if you need something urgent or G is unsure re Track (its on their website) re xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We are not on Wifi much here so it’s lucky we saw your emails re it being a response on the 15th. xxxxxxx had told us she would talk with you :).

Hopefully nothing else we have missed and is urgent for X coming up.

We will see on 17th morning to exchange bags at school.

Cheers and have a lovely weekend.
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Ooopsie - that was a panic email.

And yes definitely no more replies - I rarely get involved (maybe once every 50-100 emails. It just gets my goat having had 5.5 years of this level of comms (95 texts in 3 days once before we went away), over 1000 in one month once. Although I have to appreciate is far better AND that each time I let it get into my head - she 'wins' and gets exactly what she wants. Thanks Esme :)
Oh, im sorry i often do not realise that there is a new post on this site as its so quiet.

My H used to hide text messages from EFH and it was hurtful to say the least. We have been together nearly 9 years.

The first 3 years were abysmal to be honest. When I met him, EFH ruled his every move. Its a slow process and Im not talking about shifting the control. Im talking about appropriate respect.

Whenever we were due to take the stepkids on holiday, EFHs text messages would ramp up ...she would lay down demands several times a day, H , i need this, H , i need that , if H didnt do as she asked she would threaten to not send the children over for the holiday that we had booked and paid for.
H would get extremely anxious and tell the kids you are not coming on hols with us tomorrow because your mum wont let you....this happened regularly around holidays and yet every time, EFH couldn't resist her free time with her frequent new boyfriends and handed the kids over when H went to pick them up like a bloody idiot.
My advice to him at the time was, if she threatens that they cant come then dont go and pick them up but H is too soft and went along with the silly cows games every time.

Do I have any advice for you...
Its so difficult,
Looking back i can say, as hard as it is do your best to minimise her presence, ignore her,

i didnt ignore her, i fought her. She was beyond unreasonable with her tactics towards me and my life and she made it extremely personal, i made it more personal back. Dont mess wirh me was my motto.

As for your husband, i know how difficult this is but there certainly are things that need to be said, the amount of communication messages you get are unreasonable beyond all doubt, they need to be mostly ignored, there is no reason for such an amount of messages, its basically harrassment. Efh harassed me and when I retaliated, she called the police.

In the end i had to call the police against her, it was ridiculous, i dont believe in wasting police time but she wore me down.

It needs to stop and im sorry but i just dont agree with the harrassment.
You are entitled to a quiet life. We all are.

Look up the definition of harrassment and realise that you need to reign in your right to a bit of peace and quiet within your relationship .

He may have children from other women but he also has a choice about where he wants to be in the here and now and whilst he can offer time to his children and a certain amount of time to Efhs he should be prioritising a majority of that time for you.
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Oh, im sorry i often do not realise that there is a new post on this site as its so quiet.

Me too. I get some emails but often not if its not my question/post.
My H used to hide text messages from EFH and it was hurtful to say the least. We have been together nearly 9 years.
Oh yes - that was pretty much the only time my partner I and fought was when I discovered something he's said and hadn't shared. Often as he would leave his phone open or something innocent but then I got to a stage where I would check messages as it was like they were the team and I never had a clue what was going on. So incredibly hurtful.
The first 3 years were abysmal to be honest. When I met him, EFH ruled his every move. Its a slow process and Im not talking about shifting the control. Im talking about appropriate respect.
Yeah it wasz about 4 years for us. And like you his 2ndEFH ruled his every move. Very well put. Its not about control (it is with his 2ndEFH as I am convinced she is a covert narcissist with all the signs and behaviours) but about 'appropriate respect'. There is just NO way my partner would have put up with me having 2 EFH and with the 2nd one being so insidious.
Whenever we were due to take the stepkids on holiday, EFHs text messages would ramp up ...she would lay down demands several times a day, H , i need this, H , i need that , if H didnt do as she asked she would threaten to not send the children over for the holiday that we had booked and paid for.
H would get extremely anxious and tell the kids you are not coming on hols with us tomorrow because your mum wont let you....this happened regularly around holidays and yet every time, EFH couldn't resist her free time with her frequent new boyfriends and handed the kids over when H went to pick them up like a bloody idiot.
My advice to him at the time was, if she threatens that they cant come then dont go and pick them up but H is too soft and went along with the silly cows games every time.
Ugh sounds like we have some very strong simiarities. The first 4 years this must have happened but I wasn't in the loop. I would just see the shared calendar change weirdly and consistently (65 entries one time we were away - and I was told my partner - oh thats just how she is????). BUT it only ever happens that volume whilst we are away. This trip away there were only 29 calendar changes. And my 2nd EFH was asked if we could take his daughter to my home country to meet my family. We were told an absolutely not - 6 weeks later she took his daughter to my home country (she is not from there) and went to all the places we had been 6 weeks before. Thats happened with a few holidays we've done. So she doesn't even let it get to a stage where she comes. Although my partner was smart enough to get in their agreement (which took over 3 years to 'sign') that he can take his daughter overseas anywhere for 2 weeks and doesn't need permission.
Do I have any advice for you...
Its so difficult,
Looking back i can say, as hard as it is do your best to minimise her presence, ignore her,
Yes I agree. I try and try. ANd will keep trying for my sanity and happiness. I think its hard as I moved countries and the job industry I worked in basically is non-existant here so I don't have family, friends or job outlets to get busy and gain confidence. Also the fact she pretty much still contacts him most days just means she is in our lives constantly. And about petty things that her daughter gets annoyed about (with her mother).
i didnt ignore her, i fought her. She was beyond unreasonable with her tactics towards me and my life and she made it extremely personal, i made it more personal back. Dont mess wirh me was my motto.

Ah this is where its a bit different as she pretends I don't exist (still posts on FB about 'her kids' and with photo's when its with her step-childrem and the photos have been taken when we are with his other kids and away on holidays with them). So weird. And it always gets back to me somehow? She didn't even have a great relationship with them (according to them). I have tried to fight - but get ignored - I have tried to be nice (my natural inclination) and get ignored. So basically I am non-existant in her life and my partner often (not purposefully) enables that. Honestly the messages she sends are written like they are the best of friends. So he doesn't care as she is SO overly nice to him.
As for your husband, i know how difficult this is but there certainly are things that need to be said, the amount of communication messages you get are unreasonable beyond all doubt, they need to be mostly ignored, there is no reason for such an amount of messages, its basically harrassment. Efh harassed me and when I retaliated, she called the police.
Thankfully he does ignore at least 50% of them. She sends appointment reminders (when she's already put it in the shared calendar). Anything will be sent so he has an email from her (he's told her she can't text but she still does - but wayyyyyy less than the 10-20 she used to do everyday for the first 4 years or so).
In the end i had to call the police against her, it was ridiculous, i dont believe in wasting police time but she wore me down.
Wow - that must have been so stressful and irritating too.
It needs to stop and im sorry but i just dont agree with the harrassment.
You are entitled to a quiet life. We all are.
Look up the definition of harrassment and realise that you need to reign in your right to a bit of peace and quiet within your relationship .
TOTALLY agree with you here. And have said to him many times he was in an abusive relationship and at times he still is they way she keeps 'harassing him'. He keeps saying he just doesn't care but I can see how his energy and mood changes when he's dealing with the banal shyte she insists on sending him (last one was about Iron Injections for their child - he wasn't replying whilst we were away as she was sending as many nonsense emails as she could to try and interrupt our holiday time - and he had ignored the previous 12 emails - so her last resort was a ridiculous email about a page long about how worried she was about 'their' child and the potential dangers of Iron injection (her daughter is supremely low like a lot of my nieces). She was talking about how she might end up in emergency etc etc. It was unbelievable the 'drama' she was trying to get going (which she did last time we were away about her daughters hair falling up - which turned out to be a total fabrication which we all ended up seeing through).
He may have children from other women but he also has a choice about where he wants to be in the here and now and whilst he can offer time to his children and a certain amount of time to Efhs he should be prioritising a majority of that time for you.

Thank you!!
Oh I can imagine the drama! I used to practice a little thing I read in a book once - where you imagine the person inside a big thought bubble over your head and then you imagine that thought bubble floating higher and higher in the sky and getting smaller and smaller until you can’t see it any more. It really worked because then it was like a weight lifted and you feel free-er and happier.

I practiced it a lot. And then got creative about it and Inacined then being in a space rocket blasted to the other side of the universe 🤣 (when she had really been causing trouble and I felt angry and stressed). It was very therapeutic.
Oh I can imagine the drama! I used to practice a little thing I read in a book once - where you imagine the person inside a big thought bubble over your head and then you imagine that thought bubble floating higher and higher in the sky and getting smaller and smaller until you can’t see it any more. It really worked because then it was like a weight lifted and you feel free-er and happier.

I practiced it a lot. And then got creative about it and Inacined then being in a space rocket blasted to the other side of the universe 🤣 (when she had really been causing trouble and I felt angry and stressed). It was very therapeutic.
Ha I like that. And I do have to try harder to not let it get in my head. I think the early years were so so hard and I wasn't really in the loop re my partner (and 2nd EFH) that a lot more passed me by than I realised. But we nearly broke up so many times when I did see/hear what was gonig on. That bubble would have been handy!! Now that I'm in the loop I realise how much she plays games with my partner BUT since I've been in the loop (cced in on emails etc) she has definitely decreased the comms as she gets very very frustrated that OH includes me (Ha I finally remembered that OH is Other Half). I will practice the bubble (and on super twatty days that she is - will work on that rocket ship). Thanks Esme
Yes it helps when you’re a team :) Some things EFH would do were subtle attacks on me that OH decent see/get which was when I used to practice that thing - to stop me ranting about her to OH as he wouldn’t understand why I was behaving like a shrieking banshee.
Its taken us a while but we are definitely the team. Just so frustrating when the 2dEFH plays on my partners nice side (well how she trapped him with a baby he didn't want I assume) and makes drama about their daughter. Have a great week. We don't have SD this week so always a little less stressful thank goodness.
One thing i completely forgot, we were about 3 months in when EFH broke her arm. She asked H to pick her up. (She had a boyfriend mother sister and father to call upon) but she called H.
H, the mug, picked her up from the hospital and took her to his house because apparently she was feeling faint, the poor lamb. He let her have his bed, so im told. He slept on the sofa, so im told.
It still makes me want to vomit now. It nearly split us up.I dont think I will ever forgive him for that .
Not sure we were ever the team. Not sure we are a team of any sort now. Hes a very difficult man to live with. Im not really sure what we have at all. I think our relationship means more to him than it does to me.
But saying that hes very disrespectful towards me.
If i had somewhere to go, i would definitely leave him .
Maybe you should start looking at options for places to go? I once looked at jobs that came with accommodation.
One thing i completely forgot, we were about 3 months in when EFH broke her arm. She asked H to pick her up. (She had a boyfriend mother sister and father to call upon) but she called H.
H, the mug, picked her up from the hospital and took her to his house because apparently she was feeling faint, the poor lamb. He let her have his bed, so im told. He slept on the sofa, so im told.
It still makes me want to vomit now. It nearly split us up.I dont think I will ever forgive him for that .
Oh Noodle thats so hard. Its a bit harder in the early days too re boundaries but that must have been very hurtful as obviously she's using him. My 2nd EFH did the same thing about 3 years into our relationship. She broke her ankle and called my partner to try and get my partner over to look after her and pick her up from hospital?? Thankfully he saw straight through it and refused. She then called his 77 year old mum to come out and look after her for a WEEK. My OH's mum is one of those people that loves to be needed so she did it. She had a small broken foot when she slid on her own patio. Another 'poor lamb'. I bet it nearly split you up. How would he have felt if you had done that with an ex? Ugh
Oh Noodle thats so hard. Its a bit harder in the early days too re boundaries but that must have been very hurtful as obviously she's using him. My 2nd EFH did the same thing about 3 years into our relationship. She broke her ankle and called my partner to try and get my partner over to look after her and pick her up from hospital?? Thankfully he saw straight through it and refused. She then called his 77 year old mum to come out and look after her for a WEEK. My OH's mum is one of those people that loves to be needed so she did it. She had a small broken foot when she slid on her own patio. Another 'poor lamb'. I bet it nearly split you up. How would he have felt if you had done that with an ex? Ugh
Exactly! Its so frustrating and so often i think to myself how would you like to be in my shoes. Problem is H doesnt ever put himself in my shoes x
Im 52! People dont get excited about employing 52 year olds anywhere in the world x
We are close in age and it can be hard but it is changing (and there are sites that deal with us 'experienced' peeps). I have a few start ups and I would prefer mature workers (if I had any bloody cash flow). It depends what your expertise is though and you would get looked at - might just take longer than you think. But I do appreciate its hard when your confidence is low and your relationship isn't going well. Doing anything that requires change is really hard in that head space. Don't be hard on yourself. No doubt you have talents people would love to have!!!
I retrained to start a new career at 46 :) Only 6 years less than 52. But I take your point. And there aren't that many jobs with accommodation. Unless you wanted to be a nanny or something or teach in a boarding school. And then there's the future - after retirement. Sometimes it's also hard to see the wood for the trees when in a negative situation.

I think the two routes usually suggested in a situation like this are

1) If you have to stay in a situation, change your own life - it might have a knock on effect and things improve. If it doesn't well at least you're living a better life for yourself within the situation.

2) Get away for a break and see if other ideas come to you.

If this was a seriously abusive situation, people just get out. And start over with help. It's when it's just "bad" that it's harder to contemplate doing that - and it's normal to have fears about security if on our own when getting older.

If future security is an issue then number one is the main option perhaps. Try to change your life within the situation - it might just lead to something.

The assumption - if leaving at 52 and not having anything of your own, is that you would be alone. But you might meet a nicer man. The reality though is having enough income to sustain a life before that happens, and if it doesn't to be able to manage.

It sounds like a big financial tie. Maybe focus on channeling all your energy into something new. A business maybe? Or a franchise? Something that will make you some money for yourself and possibly become successful enough you could be self sufficient. Then you have more choices.

I know my big fear at 46 and single and retraining was - not having enough time to build up a pension. As it is I will only get the state pension.

Someone I knew started training to be an occupational therapist. Free training and salaried I think. It could lead to part time fulfilling work and then a full time job if you wanted and it's a decent salary (if not a top salary).

Just supposing you had a full time job along those lines - maybe earning 25k to 30k a year. And you got divorced - presumably the house equity would be split between you. Not always 50/50 either - sometimes 70/30 in favour of the woman. Is there enough equity in it to buy a flat or something? You'd also be entitled to a share of his pension.
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