When teenagers start dating...........


Staff member
Hmm. This is a new one on me! I think OH needs to have some chats about various things. The culture these days is so anti boys and young men they could so easily get accused of something.
I wouldn’t worry so much about it. It is the same with girls, just the accusations may be a bit more disrespectful if they are lively.
We should of course talk to them, but when my girls were growing up, I was very strict. My YDD takes after me and had a few boyfriends before she met her husband. I was trying to be protective and told her not to sleep over at her boyfriend’s house, because who knows what they will think of her. She was hurt, I unintentionally put her down and made the associations she never even thought of.
I regret it to this day, it affected her self image and confidence. I tried to make it up to her.

Be gentle and rather teach them how to treat a girl, or a boy. The rest they have to figure out themselves. Because we care, we are sometimes in the way and not helping at all.
Also we have to be sure not to bring our issues into the mix.
Those are good points. I haven't been told anything anyway. Just OH has.
We know they are up to something ..................just not sure if it's as far as pregnancy risk or not!