What's EFH up to?


Staff member
So it seems SS is still scared of EFH despite him coming here more. He asked OH to take him somewhere after school on one of "her nights" and was worried about being seen with OH. The irony is - EFH hasn't followed the court order for over two years and has said for years, SS can do what he wants! Yet now it seems it's been dinned into him that these are "her nights".
Sorry to hear that, but it’s still happening in case of SSs. They lay some restrictions to H when their mother is here, like dates, timing, we always come in second.
Let your SS work through it and for now just oblige him. He doesn’t want problems at home. Hopefully nothing major will come of this.
So it seems SS is still scared of EFH despite him coming here more. He asked OH to take him somewhere after school on one of "her nights" and was worried about being seen with OH. The irony is - EFH hasn't followed the court order for over two years and has said for years, SS can do what he wants! Yet now it seems it's been dinned into him that these are "her nights".
Always one set of rules for EFH and another for everyone else pfft!!!
Exactly. Follows the court order to the letter when it's her time, doesn't follow it at all when it's our time! Although SS has been coming more than he used to. But school nights..............She will punish us all forever for going to court over that.
So just when you thought things were going well. EFH has created a load of issues for SS - meaning that affects us too. He is grounded. Everything is banned. Funny that happens the day after we get the annual Child Maintenance assessment.