Treating the place like a hotel


Staff member
So SS is here a lot again at the moment. And to be fair, mocks have just finished so they are bound to want to go out and have fun with friends - which he has been doing a lot. But brought one back with him at 10pm again last night (same thing last week-end) and no warning! I am fairly laid back about it - they keep to his room and are no trouble but it still feels a bit like being invaded - and just when I'd had a few tiring days and not enough sleep I am having to find a duvet and bedding (creating more washing). And the portable bed is now broken so had to give up the sofa cushions to make another bed on the floor. Somehow that has really frazzled me - I feel like I'm being driven out of the house! Couldn't even sit anywhere this morning as they didn't get up till lunch time. Ok I could sit in the kitchen but it still felt like an invasion.

Now there's a weird smell on the sofa cushions that is driving me bonkers. I've just sprinkled bicarb all over them so still can't sit down. And more work and I just want a breather! I have other jobs I need to get on with!
I thought you were supposed to be resting!
Its nice that SS feels comfortable enough to bring his friends round. And its so kind of you to allow that. I would allow it too. My house is always open to anyone its just a shame I never get any bloody visitors 😆
Yep , teenage boys do smell pretty bad. I dont really understand it. My son is a clean boy but OMG his room has some of the weirdest smells on the planet. He comes out of the bathroom smelling like a breath of fresh air with deodrant on and a bit of aftershave but his room stinks. There was this really odd smell in his room on Friday. I lit a candle in there. I asked him whats that bad smell? He said he didnt know. It smelt like old trainers. We took his trainers into the garage but still we couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from. It was gone on sunday. Disappeared as quickly as it came. Very strange indeed x
I am indeed supposed to be resting which is why it’s stressful. Yes I am glad he feels he can bring people here. It would help if that person didn’t smell like they had just sprayed themselves with strong air freshener. It was an overpowering smell as soon as he arrived - and now the seat cushions reek of it. Not the kind of smelly feet smell. It was so overpowering that I'm suspicious it was trying to cover up another smell. Smoking maybe?

Anyway tomorrow is another day. It’s been a really stressful week.
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