Teens and alcohol!


Staff member
So this is something new. SS asked if he and a friend could have some alcohol. OH said yes! I was freaking out. Luckily we didn't have much in. Is this the norm now to allow 15 year olds and friends to have some alcohol at home?
Well its not illegal, i think from aged 14 you are allowed an alcoholic drink in a pub with a meal...
Personally I think its ok but other people would disagree.
Its a very European thing...children drink wine with the families at meal times in France and Spain I believe.
Further, if you prohibit something the children will seek it out elsewhere, at least if you provide the alcohol then you remain in control of the situation.
Everything in moderation.
I think that is the view now - if you prohibit it they will get it anyway. I have got some very low strength cider in just in case! It was mainly the responsibility - of having someone else's teen drinking at our house.
I am against alcohol. We have the addiction gene in our family and my grandfather died of alcohol before I was born, my father’s sister was an alcoholic, reached complete reci very and so was one of his brothers who also died. My cousin died of alcohol at 47 and my half brother was sent to rehab for a year when just 19, now completely recovered and successful.
It is very prevalent on my father’s side, but neither of my parents/stepparent have issues with alcohol.
Even my sister admitted to having some issues…, but it was after divorce, hopefully.
I say no to alcohol, I don’t drink, but it hasn’t stopped anyone from drinking. It may have stopped them from drinking even more. My H is surely one of them. He has significantly reduced his drinking while with me, because we don’t drink at home at all, during dinners and parties, he stays pretty controlled. Only when he feels bad or something bad happens, that is sadly still his way of resolving problems, but it has improved. When it happens, he is horrible.

I don’t stick my nose into other’s business, but I see people drink a lot, even women. Two of my girl friends admitted to drinking too much and I told them I don’t drink because I have more fun completely sober. I actually enjoy people’s company, whereas if you drink too much, can they even remember what happened.

Tbh, I am not against it per se, but all in moderation and I strongly feel children need to understand that.
And I am far from claiming my DDs never got drunk, they did, but I know YDD needs to pull the breaks a little harder sometimes. And what I really don’t like, is that she meets my ex and they have a drink!? together. For g.s. be a father, not a drinking buddy. I can’t even think of it, it gets on my nerves.
Why can’t he just invite her out for dinner or something!?

There are many reasons why we are the way we are, but too many people around me had issues with alcohol and even drugs, pot mostly and pills.
SSs had an issue too, both of them, the one that lives in Switzerland enjoys pot, hopefully not too often and ESS has it pretty much under control, especially now that he has a girlfriend and is really in love.

I choose, as a rule, never to have alcohol in my house, but I will buy 0.00 beverages or with very low content. Some bring their own alcohol and there is not much I can do, but spoil the party.

I also know that my non drinking and non judging attitude helps and they slow down by themselves, because they are not pushed to drink, but have a lot of alternatives.

So my kids never drink at our house, maybe a glass of champagne, for a celebration, but that’s it.

I will never understand what is the point of going out and getting horribly drunk.
I have done it when younger, but at one point it just stopped for me. I didn’t remember well and had a horrible hangover.
I like having control over what I do and if I drink I really don’t. And I can have a lot of fun without it, more actually.

If you can teach them to be smart about it, that is best. I don’t believe in extremes, even though I am one.
I agree with you. I don't drink either. One of my ex boyfriend's was an alcoholic and would become abusive when drunk - even though he didn't seem particularly drunk - if that makes sense. It was like a split personality. I got out pretty quickly but never felt the same again about drinking being fun and silly. I've been teetotal for years, and so has OH. He only had the occasional glass of wine socially but stopped when the drink driving laws became tighter because you were never quite sure what was too much to be legal, depending on the wine and the size of the glass.

I did some googling and it seems it's the norm now, for teens to have some alcohol at home with friends. And if we prevent it he will just go somewhere else to have it. Ironically we have always talked to him about the dangers of drugs and smoking but not alcohol - didn't quite expect that at this age! When I was 16 and we had teen parties we were allowed cider. But only at someone's house in a safe environment.

It is worrying as they don't understand the different strengths of alcohol so I think a discussion will be needed about understanding that some spirits can be lethal if too much is drunk and stick to x y and z.