Quiet time of year


Staff member
It's very quiet on here - how is everyone? :-) Had a few spammers trying to join up recently but no real people! The spammers have gone bananas since New Year. The forum software catches them and highlights them for manual approval or rejection.

I've been busy so less to say since New Year (plus still getting my head back on).
Same here, hibernating because of the cold weather and going to body toning and keep fit classes. Waiting to start playing golf again with a lady I met at the weekly Ladies golf lessons. We played (just 9 holes, and with a buggy as I can not walk so easily that far) but we really enjoyed it and plan to start again when the weather improves. Have been booking lots of travel for the year ahead. I wish we could take our oldest grandsons with us on holiday but ESS will make sure there is no chance of that ever happening this side of them turning 18 :mad:.
Body toning classes sounds good! I could probably do with something like that! I was looking into Chair yoga the other day (due to bad knees hence I don't go to other keep fit classes). I like the idea of it. Golf sounds difficult! Mini golf is about my limit!

Most things at the moment revolve around SS organisation but getting a new pet this week-end. Child lost interest advert.
Thanks :) Not getting a new pet this week after all. They changed their minds about rehoming him.
I also started working out, but slowly. I work with weights, so have to be very careful when starting again.
So I guess change is in the air in a good way.
I worked physically all day yesterday sorting out our workshop and warehouse and there wasn’t much that didn’t hurt this morning.
I overslept and am late for work.
I realize how out of shape I am, but I won’t take it to heart, because I have been sick a lot and couldn’t take time off, feeling tired and overall like crap for a few months.
As they say persistence is the key.

Hope everyone is well.
My new pet fell through at the last minute. One of those weeks. It was disappointing and can't find another one now - I'll have to wait till March - long story.