Nits! (Head lice) 😬


Staff member
I was looking through my diary the other day and remembered when we all got nits! The first time (yes it happened again). So thought I would share ........ In hindsight it seems quite funny - but it was pretty hair-raising at the time (if you'll pardon the pun 😂). SS didn't like having his hair washed at the best of times - like most young children:

So - we were about to set off on holiday for a week. OH picked up SS and they arrived with a bottle of nit treatment. OH said - apparently SS has nits and has had the first treatment of this stuff and needs the second treatment while we're away. Aargh! Seems the nit treatment didn't work. So we googled and sent for a nit comb or two and a nitty gritty nit comb and lots of conditioner. Apparently you just use lots of conditioner and comb them out every day for three days. We're staying in this nice house with made-up beds with lovely bed linen, and I've spent the last two full days having to strip everything and wash everything. I was going a bit bananas with it all by Tuesday. It turns out we all have nits now! So it's not been fun. Doing my hair every day (and I keep thinking I've missed a bit). Did OH's and SS's hair and it was a major drama.

SS hates getting water in his eyes at the best of times and refused point blank to have the conditioner and combing. Which isn't surprising when he'd already had treatment done twice recently. We reassured him, showed him it wasn't anything nasty or runny, smelt nice, was thick and wouldn't get in his eyes. No. Wouldn't budge.

So OH had a bath and I eventually said to SS would he like to come and watch me doing Daddy's hair, showed him the conditioner going on, combing it through, making it fun and watching all the foam in the water come off.

Then SS said he wanted to get in the bath too and play and we wet his hair and he agreed to let me put the conditioner on - didn't make too much fuss over the combing out either, but then we had to rinse it off - OMG major drama. OH being the worst. Having 'discussed' how we were going to attempt if before-hand, it all went to pot. I suggested him sitting on a chair and leaning backwards so it wouldn't go in his eyes - OH said no better forwards - SS completely hysterical and refusing to have it rinsed off and kept trying to run away. We both got stressed. Eventually just wrapped the towel round him and he held it over his eyes with his head forwards and I had said that would keep the water out. SS agreed and OH poured the water but far too much too fast and the towel got soaked and SS had hysterics again and kept saying 'I told you it would go in my eyes'. OH got defensive. I was trying to stay calm and saying - oh dear, all done, now let's just do the comb through. OH suddenly disagreeing with me and saying - no it'll traumatise him. Me saying - we need to comb it through and get the nits out or we'll have to start all over again tomorrow. Water everywhere. SS completely refused just to have his hair combed.

Eventually I said to SS - we have a special present for you for later in the week, but you can have it now - if you let Daddy just comb your hair through. SS said Ok. OH said to leave him to do it and I went downstairs. I suspect he didn't do it though as it didn't take very long!

After SS was asleep OH said - SS has had a big trauma. No he hasn't I said, he's had his hair washed and combed and he forgot about it once he got his present. (Also SS got really quite laddish when we counted some nits in the basin and said ooh can I see them - so he wasn't that traumatised).

I was really tired after doing about 8 loads of washing and drying all day (probably for nothing if SS hadn't had his lice combed out). We were both tired and grumpy. Then OH went and really wound me up and said what was I complaining about, doing washing was nothing - he'd done it loads of times, just stick it in the machine. Oh yes mate, when have you stripped a king-sized bed, washed everything, dried it and put it back on, as well as SS's bed, all his cuddly toys, all our clothes, all ten towels twice in a day. And I only had to do everything twice because you refused to following basic hygiene rules and then went and combed your hair in the mirror and let your nits fly all over us the bathroom and all the towels instead of in the basin like I told you.

Anyway - we made up and he helped me with the rest of the washing yesterday.

So now we have all been combed through with the super duper nit comb that cuts their legs off - but still finding the odd one - one floating in SS's cup of milk next morning.

And OH has accepted that yes he and SS need to put a clean t-shirt on every day and wash the old one.

It's a really tricky situation. If you do nothing for a few days they will multiply - if you keep doing it it's a load of hassle and stressful and still not sorted.

Decided to leave SS's last night and do it every other day - I've relaxed a bit knowing this spiral comb is supposed to cut their legs off so even if there are any on clothing or whatever they can't crawl back onto us.

Suggested yesterday that maybe we could get some swimming goggles for SS for next time he has his hair rinsed. OH and SS thought that was a good idea.

All washing done now and lots of spare clean things and a spare duvet and cover off the other bed, so I can relax a bit.

We had to cancel our visit to a friend yesterday - she doesn't want to risk getting nits.

Well I have calmed down a bit today but I know we haven't got rid of them all. We still keep finding them in the basin after combing.

We are working out a plan. No point doing the chemical treatment on OH and I until SS goes back after the holiday - we could do it and then just get them back off SS again.

So if we do the treatment after SS has gone back after the holiday, and meanwhile make sure he gets another conditioner and combing treatment (with swimming goggles) and then give BM the second super duper nit comb and a big bottle of conditioner.

I just can't see her doing it - treating the whole family's hair and keeping up with the combing.

Said to OH yesterday - there is one solution for this - we all get our heads shaved. And I was half serious!

And I thought the holiday would give me a break for a week ................................

The story continued ..................

Nothing worked. We were back home. Lice solution didn't work. Apparently lice are immune to it now. Combing with conditioner and a nitty gritty comb was driving us to insanity. We wanted to get ourselves lice free before SS came back then we only had his hair to worry about - his was short, straight and easy. We had already decided chemical treatments aren't suitable for kids so I got some spray on coconut conditioner just to wet SS's hair for combing so no hair washing. Coconut is supposed to help repel them too.

OH and I tried a few home remedies recommended online for ourselves. Leaving listerine on for ages in cling film. DON'T do that! Further googling says that is probably a bit toxic and also flammable! It did kill some but not all.

Back to googling. And I read about Neem. A medicinal plant. Supposed to be very safe and gets rid of nits because it stops them breeding and feeding. So they can't keep reproducing. Supposed to help kill eggs as well.

So we got some Neem shampoo and had to mess about with that for days - leaving it on for ages the first time and repeating every day for a few days. And it blooming well worked! I couldn't believe it. I didn't think it would but it works. We got the A Vogel one called "Riddance" as a treatment then used a general neem shampoo regularly as it helps prevent you getting them back.

So OH and I were nit/lice free. After a few weeks of no socialising and lots of hair washing and combing and changing pillowcases and clothes regularly. And we carried on using neem shampoo for a long time as a preventative - and that worked too.

I also got my hair cut much shorter!

SS still had them when he came back. Neem isn't safe for young children (I don't think Hedrin is either actually but it's sold for children). So we had daily dvd time with popcorn, quick spray of the coconut conditioner and a comb through while he sat in front of the TV and he was happy with that. No hair washing.

But SS kept coming back with them again and again.

So I did more googling. Electric nit combs. Brilliant! (And I still have it). A Robicomb. I researched electric nit combs. Not all work very well. This one had a good reputation so we got that one. It was good.

So we finally got on top of SS's just by combing with the electric comb. If there was even one head louse, it got zapped before it could multiply. SS liked having the electric comb and liked me zapping the lice and always wanted to look in the plastic container to see the dead one.

A few months later and he was nit free - but I carried on using the electric comb once or twice a week as a reassuring check all the while he was at primary school.

So - apologies if I have made anyone itch. But if you ever have a nit/lice problem - I recommend just using neem shampoo and coconut conditioner on adults and combing on kids. But the electric nit comb became an important item in the house! And lived on the mantelpiece for a long time.
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