Jealousies in stepfamilies


Staff member
I don't think there's a single stepfamily that won't have come across the green eyed monster somewhere. Sometimes it might be little petty jealousies between step siblings. Commonly it can be - your partner gets a bit jealous when his kids start to think you're great, you get a bit jealous when he ignores you when his kids are there, the kids can get a bit jealous if they're used to Dad being single. And the ex can be jealous of the stepmum. Sometimes the stepmum can be a bit jealous of the ex and her more official Mother role.

These are bound to be flying around but hopefully won't get too serious. The kids issues can be handled with various strategies - presenting a united front, treating them all fairly. Issues with you and your partner can be talked out and routines organised so everyone feels involved. Pointless being jealous of the ex because you have your partner and a life with him. But an ex being jealous of a stepmum can be pretty nasty.

I think the ones I experienced were - the ex. And OH getting jealous when SS loved me, and having major tantrums. That settled down.