Is anyone here post menopause?


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Just wondering as Im 51 and 2 years post menopause and having a lot of joint pain. Still getting night sweats and hot flushes just wanted someone to share with x
Yep. It didn't affect me at all. I never did get night sweats or hot flushes exactly but OH said it was like having a radiator in the bed so clearly I was hotter - but didn't feel hot. I wouldn't associate joint pains with it though. However you need to keep up the calcium intake post menopause. I worked out the amount needed from a chart and the easiest way to get enough is to have a pint of milk a day. You'd need to eat a mountain of any other foods with calcium in to get as much as there is in a pint of milk a day. Helps prevent osteoporosis.

However I did get neuromas in my feet (painful lumps on the bottom) - not sure if that was coincidental or not.
I can’t really comment. My menopause happened at 27 due to total hysterectomy and cervical cancer.
They did not place me on hormones at first, but a few years later when my symptoms became unbearable they did and I take them every day since, for a long time.
The thing that I noticed regardless of the hormones is that I a sort of went through something like post-menopause. Estrogen is not the only factor in menopause.
Being hot and having hot flashes is quite normal, you could experience pain in joints, but I would get a proper medical opinion.
Any changes is our hormonal system can result in our body reacting differently.

I have joint pain and the whole ordeal has unleashed autoimmune deficiency and in my case depression or rather anxiety too which I have overcome mostly.

I take calcium, magnesium and vitamin D every day, I have to, I have a beginning stage of osteoporosis and that can really hurt your joints and you can hurt all over.

I am sure there are things you can do that will improve your situation.
Thanks, I was tested for inflammation etc a few years ago and nothing flagged up. Im not really a fan of the medical model for my own personal reasons. I have magnesium and Curcumin. Ive onky just started them so i will see what happens. Im definitely feeling the depression and anxiety too .😔
What helped me was the realization that this is it. I don’t have forever to get well or feel less anxious. I decided not to pay too much attention to it and it has improved. I have started with deep meditation again. Did it years ago and it helped me in so many ways, even in business.
But the person in charge was more interested in money…, couldn’t stand it and left.
I also combine alternative medicine and healing. I think that medicine has done for me what it can and my own doctor suggested I look for alternatives.
Without going into graphic details - what "stage" are you at? Actually menopausal? (Ie no periods any more). Or perimenopausal? My problem during the perimenopause was progesterone, not oestrogen - hence "flooding" but not hot flushes. Both hormones can fluctuate up and down at various times. My GP Surgery didn't do HRT and I wasn't sure about it either. I did a lot of research and used a herbal tincture that is standard medical use in Germany. Agnus Castus. Unlike many of the other herbal remedies it is safe to use. It works on the pituitary gland, where the signals to give out the amounts of oestrogen and progesterone come from. And basically balances them out. To my amazement it actually worked. And I had regular light periods from then on until the actual menopause. If it's actually "menopause" though - ie no more periods, then gradually the hormones get less and less and various symptoms - some people have them more than others.

I didn't have any emotional symptoms at all - the only weird thing was, on my due date each month I would still get kind of PMT (I'd get a bit hyper and stressy and slightly emotional) even though I wasn't actually having periods any more. That settled over the years.
I found it a total godsend - it avoided me getting to the point of needing a hysterectomy.

Ok post menopause - I think things settle down - but I still get like a radiator in bed sometimes (apparently) - ie give off a lot of heat. And I still get overheated easily - but I wouldn't describe it as hot flushes exactly as I don't get flushed or sweaty. I think stress does trigger these things though.