How did you meet your OH?


Staff member
How did you meet your OH? Was it love at first sight? Hate at first sight? :ROFLMAO:. When did you meet his children? Did you know what you were letting yourself in for ?
Well it wasn't exactly meet, as keep bumping into him. I first bumped into him in the street coming the other way and one of us had to negotiate round the other on the pavement. I smiled and he looked a bit severe. I noticed what he was wearing though and he seemed to have his own kind of style.

Then another time I was in a pub with friends and recognised him in there, with another man, chatting at the bar. I looked across and smiled in recognition and he ignored me.

So the first couple of times I met him I thought he was not particularly friendly but kind of a bit different.

The next time I met him he had just become a Dad. He was single and they hadn't been an item for some time. Just co parenting. He was completely different then and worried about his child and seemed to be trying to chat me up so I ignored that and said "see you around" which seemed to surprise him.

For the next few months, I regularly bumped into him in various places - usually on his own. And we'd stop and chat. I thought no way - this is far too complicated. I was happily single thank you. And it went on for another few months and the chats got longer and then one day he asked me to go for a walk and then to an event.

So it wasn't love at first sight. But a friendship that developed into romance.
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Some things are just meant to be Esme! Its nice that you had a natural progression of your friendship. I met my husband on a dating site. I was a lonely single mother so getting out and about was a bit of a struggle for me. His face looked nice in the photo he had added. He stalked me by messaging every minute of the day for weeks. We eventually met in person. I had met up with a few people before and although some could be quite nice you never can tell until you actually meet them. I had also met with people who seemed nice but were absolute nightmares in person!
He drove an hour to meet me. We went for a walk and stopped in a country pub for a chat. I thought to myself, yes, i really like him, but quickly had an anxious thought that the feeling may not be reciprocated. He walked me home. I invited him inside and we talked until the early hours of the morning. The stalking text messages continued every minute of every day for a long time. I liked the attention he gave me. It was well received and his company was something i really enjoyed. We moved in together after 9 months. Thats when the trouble started. 🤪
That sounds like you hit it off well at the start. It sounds like he was anxious you might meet someone else! And keeping up communication. I had tried online dating a few years before I met OH and had some horrible experiences! That was in the early days of online dating - maybe it improved! I had my reservations about OH. He had never been married. He'd been in a relationship before and lived with someone though. He still reverts to bachelor habits sometimes so things aren't always perfect. At the time I thought - well at least he doesn't have the hang ups of a divorced man. But he still had other baggage! The child's Mother (who managed to bust us up quite early on but we missed each other and got back together again discreetly). And a family member.