Good evening!


New member
Hi everyone. I started out on another forum. This one is such a great idea.

Anyway…I currently live in Devon, with my son and daughter and crazy ginger dog. My now husband of 6 days (!) moved to Asia on Sunday and after months of solicitors and a court hearing over my daughter, we shall be joining him hopefully in August.

I have been living as a second partner/wife since 2017. It’s been hellish but as the financial control and therefore general control is slowly becoming relinquished, I’m feeling the shackles lifting. I have step children too, one of which I have never met due to PA aggravated by the ex wife, and she also has a daughter now so we are grandparents, but not…

That’s my story in a nutshell, hopefully I’ll get to talk to more of you on this site :)
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Hello and welcome, Second Time Lucky :) Congratulations on getting married! That sounds amazing moving to Asia. You can still come on here wherever you are. That is really sad you've never met one of your stepchildren due to PA. Do you still see the others? I guess they'll visit you for holidays. Feel free to add a photo of the crazy ginger dog on the pet section!

We are very glad you're joining us lovely ladies!
Hi everyone. I started out on another forum. This one is such a great idea.

Anyway…I currently live in Devon, with my son and daughter and crazy ginger dog. My now husband of 6 days (!) moved to Asia on Sunday and after months of solicitors and a court hearing over my daughter, we shall be joining him hopefully in August.

I have been living as a second partner/wife since 2017. It’s been hellish but as the financial control and therefore general control is slowly becoming relinquished, I’m feeling the shackles lifting. I have step children too, one of which I have never met due to PA aggravated by the ex wife, and she also has a daughter now so we are grandparents, but not…

That’s my story in a nutshell, hopefully I’ll get to talk to more of you on this site :)
Hi Lucky,
This is a bit similar to my story in that we have emigrated recently. It certainly lightens the load. Do you have children from a previous relationship (you mention a court order?) We had to get a court order to bring my son abroad. Birth father was being difficult about the move, which i wouldn't have minded but he hadn't seen him for 5 years or even asked about him but thats another story!
How old are the step children?
Obviously older if she has a child. What a shame you have never met. Some people are so miserable 🙄
I am interested to hear more of your story. Thank you for sharing. ❤️