Celebrity Divorces


Staff member
A list of recent celebrity divorces here :-) Honestly it makes you wonder why they bother to get married! I haven't even heard of half of them, but I see Harry Styles is on the list and I didn't even know he was married.

They seem to divorce relatively easily.
Marriage is not always easy, so we should cherish the good times and try and forget the bad.
I have always thought you need to stick at things and work them out - although some things push the limits ........

I think with these celebrity divorces they are all so glamorous they have affairs or lose sight of anything more than the superficial.
I think they are too focused on appearances, fame and probably spend a lot of time apart that it’s difficult to maintain relationships.

And I feel it’s no big deal to many, because they are rich enough to afford to be well off on their own.

We have a lot more tied into a relationship. It’s a home, a partnership, raising family and sometimes enduring the more difficult times. It means stability for our children and for us as well.

I would guess they are fighting their own demons and as I see it family is often not a high priority.