Black Friday


Staff member
I'm already seeing all the adverts popping up for black Friday. I always used to ignore it and most of the deals seem to be not really deals anyway. But one year I actually bought something at the last minute because it was such a bargain! This year I want a new mattress topper - ours has gone flat and the bed is horribly hard without it. Cheaper than buying a new bed. So I'll be on the look out for any deals on those!

Maybe we could post any good bargains we see on here :)
So far I've seen the usual deals on Echo shows on Amazon (about half price) - if you're into Alexa! A half price Ninja air fryer. And a few computer deals with a few hundred pounds knocked off. Those are all "early Black Friday" deals.
Shopping can be fun, but I have to be in the mood or else I cannot find anything for us or the house.
We recently bought new mattresses and an overlay. I think having a good mattress is important. I am thinking about buying some linen for the beds. Will have to check it out.
I am more focused on repainting our home, too bad Black Friday doesn’t include that.
And we have four kids, grandchildren partners, husbands, girlfriends, mother, sister and nieces. I will be spending for Christmas hoping not to go bankrupt. Then there is Christmas dinner or lunch and I am in charge of organizing a bigger dinner for our friends. Hope I will manage.
I understand, but sometimes family can be a bit exhausting and I have to respect their schedules too. So I can be alone on Christmas Eve and then have breakfast or supper together. Sometimes I need to wait in line, as there are other grandparent, my ex and my YDDs husbands family, a lot of people and we somehow get our time eventually.
I would prefer to pick a time and do it all at once, but sometimes it’s just not doable.

I wish they would all just tell me what they want and where to get it and that is that.
I love having a bigger family, but honestly it’s work sometimes and I can’t just take days off.
Yes I bet it is hard work :-) And people don't always get on either! I would quite happily go on holiday somewhere warm for the whole period and not come back until Spring! It feels like a chore sometimes.
Well I accidentally got a black Friday deal - on moth traps :ROFLMAO:. Some hatched out from pet food (even though it had been frozen) after I left it a bit close to the radiator for a couple of days. Anyway they were reduced for Black Friday.
I also got a black friday deal on a big bundle of Kaytee paper bedding - which I am about to send back, as the last pack seems to be the source of the xxxxing moth outbreak.

I did buy a fake Christmas tree half price as well. Every year I keep saying we should get a fake one. We've had a real tree for many years and usually get a Nordman fir as they last without dropping at all hardly. But it was such a palaver having to get them online during the pandemic - half the pleasure was going out to choose one and bringing it home. SS is not bothered about that any more and it seems like too much hassle, and with me being slightly immobile at the moment, I decided we needed one of those pre- lit fake trees. Then just the baubles to hang. Some of the pre-lit ones were hugely expensive and nearly all tall ones. I just wanted a four foot one to put on a small table. Found a 3'6" one pre-lit which would have been very expensive but got it half price.

Now I'm wondering if it might have been better getting a real one again - now I have this moth problem to deal with. A real one just gets chucked out afterwards. A fake one would go in the loft (and hate the idea of moths hatching out in the loft).
I ended up doing all my Christmas shopping online on Black Friday :-) I didn't even realise it was the day until I started - I just realised it was nearly the end of November and I hadn't done any. Presumably that's why black friday is at the end of november.

So that was a late night - SS stuff was easy as knew what he wanted (but ouch on the money front). Spent ages trying to think of something for OH that he won't hate and want to send back again. Then spent ages trying to think of something I wanted so I could order it and then ask OH for the money (yes it's not very romantic but helps avoid chaos and last minute dramas). He's happy with doing it that way and he's really not that internet savvy and I don't like actual shopping at this time of year.

Then some individual Christmas cards for OH and SS. Then some long rolls of wrapping paper as one item is a gaming chair that needs wrapping up. I had a very late night. So did SS - he was still up on his computer when I went to bed. Not sure how we can stop him to be honest - it was at least 3am.

I have a LOT on at the moment and needing to do everything at a pace and a bit at a time so it was a relief knowing Christmas shopping was done. I did get £30 off something but to be honest most of the prices weren't that different to usual. Except a pet item which had a huge amoiunt off and I ended up buying that because I actually need one to make life easier but can't really justify it. But when I saw how much cheaper it was I got it anyway.

This is one thing I don't like about Christmas - it costs money every year. Surely nobody can afford Christmas really?! SS "didn't want much" but of the two things he wanted (and apparently needed) one was really quite expensive!

Anyway then the rest of the week-end got tiring - I'll post about that elsewhere.